Habbo Wiki
  • Upload images using the .png or .gif file extension. .png gives a higher quality image than most extensions, including .jpg. To change a file extension to .png, click on Save As and change the file extension from whatever it was before to .png. However, when creating an animation, .gif is the only option you should use.
  • When possible, remove/blur out usernames from images. This is to respect the privacy of the captured player(s).
    • Photoshop, Paint Pro, GIMP and many other image editing software programs can be used to blur usernames. There are also many online photo-editing websites, such as Picnik and Splashup. To remove usernames in MS Paint, colour over the username with the background colour. For example, if the username was set on a blue background, use the eyedropper tool to select the colour of the background, and paint over it the name.
  • When possible, take your own screenshots of Habbo instead of finding images from other websites. Source your images if they are from other websites aswell.
    • To take a screenshot on a PC, press the Prt Scr button; alternately, press Alt + Prt Scr to capture only the active window. Paste the screenshot onto MS Paint or another photo-editing software and crop the image, leaving only the desired portion. Save the image as a .PNG. Windows Vista and Windows 7 features Snipping Tool, which can be used to take screenshots.
    • To take a screenshot on a Mac, press Command + 3 to capture the desktop; Command + 4 to capture a selected area. Paste the screenshot onto a photo-editing program and crop it. Save it as a .PNG.
  • When capturing a video of Habbo, record only the desired portion. Make sure there are no visible watermarks, such as the one found in Hypercam.
  • No images from Habbo retros are allowed, especially if the image is advertising the retro.
  • Uploaders are allowed to use any clothes/look from Habbo, when a character is needed for an image. These do not count as personal images.